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2013: Settling In

2013 December 31

I did a year-in-review post last year, and gave it a theme as well. I’m going to go ahead and make this a tradition since it gives me a chance to reflect and make sense of what the last 365 days has taught me.

This year, especially during the summer, friends came and went, but I instead settled in.

Second year on the job and still in Madison, Wisconsin. Turned 24, which I think is a big transition age from immediate post-college life to more adult living.

During my extended time at home these holidays, I’ve come to appreciate family more.

I’ve also helped pay it forward for things that I loved in the past. I want to continue doing it more and more, in one part as a sort of selfish way to live through others, and in another part to keep inspiration alive.

Towards the end of the year, I’ve wondered a lot about where I am in life and how to set myself up well for the future (a source of much anxiety). I feel like I’m racing against time, still trying to find my true north.

My two-year work anniversary at Epic brought those thoughts to a head as I flirted with applying for business school, going back and forth before deciding to wait.

I’ve felt in between, and that’s been tough. These feelings usually coincided with the summer (when lots of friends left Epic/Wisconsin) and winter (miserably cold). Coincidence? Probably not.

But it’s been a good year too. I’ve gained more responsibilities at work and brought my first customers live on Epic. It was great to see all the time and effort finally pay off.

This year has been even more travel-heavy than the last, as I spent nearly half of 2013 on the road, further enhancing a lack of home. But I did enjoy getting the chance to explore some new, exciting cities inĀ Philadelphia, Denver, Detroit, and Boston.

Travel stats for the year:

  • 36 trips (28 trips last year)
  • 177 days on the road (106 days last year)
  • 67,835 miles (52,000 miles last year)

A late December realization: I think I’ve lost some fire, though I know it and am ready to get it back.

Here’s to a fiery 2014!

One Response
  1. melissa permalink
    December 31, 2013

    Twerk it boss!

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