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Christmas Rekindle

2013 December 26

I was over at a big family gathering for Christmas yesterday and realized that I’ve lost some of my boldness.

In a conversation with some uncles, we got to talking about how I’ve been at my job for two years and I mentioned that I’m starting to look for a career change.

I’m not the biggest fan of Wisconsin and want to move to a big city.

They suggested I pick up and leave, and just figure it out along the way.

But I’m pretty risk averse to that right now… I’ve fallen back into a semi-comfortable job and need some pushing to move.

I don’t have to look very far into the past to see where I made a safe choice over a bolder one: deciding not to apply for grad school this year.

That’s when my uncles reminded me that, out of all the cousins, I’m the one who jumped the farthest from the tree. Two years ago, I had the guts to pack up my life and start anew halfway across the country.

For me, it was a bold move, and I loved every part of that decision.

Time to look within, rekindle that fire, and get the boldness back.


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