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Road Trip Home: Day 5

2015 August 10
by Stanley Quan

This day was mostly driving, as we went from Badlands to Emigrant, Montana, a little town where we stayed the night before heading into Yellowstone the next morning.

We passed through a lot of the great plains during the drive.

farm land

There were big hay bales in farming fields. There were cows.

road cowsThere were sunflowers (!).

road sunflowers

Our airbnb stay was in a tipi that night! When I was researching where to stay, I saw “tipi”, and couldn’t pass it up. Our host let us take his canoe out on the pond by his property so we did that for a bit. It was a relaxing place to be out on the water with nature surrounding us – mountains, trees, big blue sky.


We slept in our sleeping bags in the tipi and it was surprisingly comfortable. The tipi had a hole up top for air and some along the sides, but it still kept the bugs out.



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