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2011 December 11

It’s interesting to think about circumstances, and how we might act differently based on them.

Big life changes don’t happen that often, but when they do, I think they always find a way to reveal something new about who we are. When circumstances change, we adapt and continue on. School graduations are pretty clear cut milestones. Likewise, exciting adventures, faraway trips, changing jobs, big moves, and new friends/circles also all represent a break from comfort.

I think that’s what has been the most exciting part for me packing it all up and moving halfway across the country. Circumstances are completely new. Everything I’ve ever been used to has been turned upside down. It’s given me the chance to re-discover the real me.

2 Responses
  1. Lisa Quan permalink
    December 13, 2011

    This is a great opportunity of living and learning! Be adventurous!

  2. ellen permalink
    December 15, 2011

    Agreed. My whole life changed when I moved to the Bay Area from Pennsylvania back in 1996. The energy you expend to remake yourself in your new environment is enlightening and attractive to others. Enjoy and grow!!

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