Twitter Town Hall
President Barack Obama will be holding a live town hall using Twitter on July 6.
It’s going to be a live webcast with Obama fielding questions from the Twitter about jobs and the economy. Anyone can participate in the talk by submitting questions via the askobama.twitter.com website or by using the hashtag #AskObama. There’s also an official Twitter account for the town hall, @townhall that users can follow to get more updates.
I think this town hall is remarkable and groundbreaking. Town halls and political debates have moved from in-person to radio to television to the Internet. I’m glad that we elected a president that is so willing to embrace innovation and change. Active on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, Obama is connecting with the American people all over the social network landscape.
The event next week speaks to the power of social media and how it is becoming a legitimate tool for communication and dialogue. I’ll definitely be tuning in. Check out the live webcast July 6 at 11am PT (2pm ET).
Technology and social media are amazing.
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