Shelter at Home
In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, it’s been seven weeks now since sheltering at home and working from home full-time.
I’m more of a natural introvert and have been able to adjust to the new circumstances relatively okay.
I’ve picked up random hobbies and found the time and curiosity to do some home projects I’ve put off when other social options were available.
- Grew a batch of mushrooms using a growing kit: The Back to the Roots kit is easy and produced a nice batch of oyster mushrooms.
- Exercised more, with workouts like the deck of pain and abs challenges almost every day: I feel healthier and more fit than I’ve felt in a while.
- Found my old ipod, loaded with a lot of playlists back from my high school and college days. So nostalgic.
- Watched my first k-drama: Crash Landing on You is amazing! Highly recommend, but prepare for misty eyes.
- Made scallion pancakes from scratch: Pretty easy recipe actually, and they turned out quite tasty.

So quarantine hasn’t been all bad, though I have also realized that I am not as much of an introvert as I thought. I really do miss regular social interactions with friends. Zoom hangouts are a good way to catch up, but don’t quite feel the same.
I miss normalcy and the previous freedoms we enjoyed. I miss walking around without being on high alert and avoiding others. I miss watching live sports. I miss playing basketball with my friends.
I do understand why we must socially distance and take precautions. It’s not okay to just say we need to “reopen the economy” and accept that people will die. We need a plan.
As a public health and healthcare system junkie, it has been fascinating in a weird way to see how everything has played out. Our government has been a shitshow with no plan whatsoever and Trump who just actively makes things worse. The major issues with our healthcare system, especially how it is funded, has been exposed.
It makes me sad to see some other countries taking early measures, actually following through on a plan to protect its citizens, and containing the virus much better than us. That’s what a well-functioning government that represents the best interests of the general population should do.
I hope we can turn it around soon. I really miss sports.
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