This morning, I went skydiving! On my trip to Arizona, I convinced my family to go. We went to a skydiving place in Casa Grande, about 40 miles south of Phoenix. Skydiving has been on my bucket list for a while, and I had been itching to finally do this since the beginning of summer.
It was a tandem skydive, which meant that an instructor was attached to my back for the jump, so I didn’t have to do much but jump. I was really excited and was ready to go after getting strapped into a harness.
I didn’t really know what to expect when I climbed into the small airplane. Up we went, high into the clouds. I think the scariest part was all the build-up in the plane ride up there. I must have had about a million butterflies in my stomach.
It took a while for us to get up high enough (over two miles above ground), but then it was go time. No turning back now.
My heart was pumping really fast. The door opened and I could feel the strong winds pushing against my body. One leg over, and then the other. Within seconds, I was off the plane and in free fall at over 120 mph.
My stomach turned during the initial drop, but it was pretty smooth sailing after that. Simply exhilarating :) With my arms out wide, it felt like I was flying. I was soaring across the Arizona sky without a worry in the world.
After about 45 seconds of free fall, my instructor pulled the parachute. I steered around a little bit and we slowly glided down to a landing spot. It felt good to be back on Earth haha.
It was one crazy experience, to say the least, and I’m glad I did it. There’s nothing quite like jumping out of a plane two miles above ground.
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LOVE THE PICTURE! So cool you got to skydive! kinda jealous.
mom says wow!!!!! :)
wow. so cool. guess this ended the string of sucky events, right?!?! hey, good luck at camp kesem. let’s touch base when you get back, okay?
that looks ridiculously fun!
when you say you convinced your family to go, do you mean to say that even your parents jumped?
Ellen, I’ll get in touch with you after I get to Berkeley after camp this upcoming week.
Sammy, my dad chickened out, but my brother and mom skydived with me. I was really surprised that my mom did it, but go her :)