Baltimore Riots
Watching the racially-fueled Baltimore riots earlier in the week, I couldn’t help but think how senseless and stupid all of the violence was.
The looting and burning doesn’t help. It just hurts the lives of innocents and sabotages the community you live in.
Stepping back though, it was a tough situation.
It’s easy to stick our noses up and criticize. It’s harder to try to empathize and understand.
There’s been times in my past where I’ve experienced discrimination and injustice. It felt awful and took some self-restraint to not punch something or someone.
But I can’t even imagine how much I’d have to be pushed down to resort to looting and setting a car on fire. And obviously, at least some of those who rioted reached that point.
That’s not to say that we should remove all blame, as I still believe what happened at the riots was wrong.
We should be building, not destroying.
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