2024: Popping the Question
I expected to take a big step in life and love this year, and boy did that happen.
*rewind back nine months*
I woke up that morning feeling anxious but excited. I had been tracking the weather all week and today was about 50-50 for rain. With all the plans in place, it was go-time, rain or shine.
As we started our drive, Bruno Mars’ song “Marry Me” randomly played on the radio. How fitting.
During the drive up to Bodega Bay, it alternated between light drizzles, splotchy sun, and downpour. I held my breath that we would get lucky once we reached our destination.
As we pulled into the parking lot, I caught a glimpse of my friend in all black near the spot I had picked out. He had generously offered to photograph and did a good job trying to camouflage. The skies cleared up just enough and it was lightly sprinkling as we walked up a slight hill. Good thing the weather cooperated because I didn’t really have a backup plan.
Reached into my jacket pocket to double check that I had the ring. I had rehearsed this moment in my head many times and now it was time do the thing. This was it!
The next few minutes were a bit of blur as we looked out over the bay.
Then I got down on one knee and popped the big question. She has a tendency to black out during these big moments so I had to repeat it again (haha) and… she said yes!

*fast forward back to today*
It has been quite the year. Was able to continue taking trips once a month on average (some closer, some further: San Diego twice, Honolulu, Healdsburg, Austin, Plano, Denver, Carmel, NYC twice, Seattle/Washington national parks, Japan twice).
So happy and looking forward to our wedding next Spring where we’ll get to celebrate with all of our closest friends and family! Have been fortunate enough to celebrate so many friends’ weddings in the past few years and can’t believe it’s going to be our turn next.
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