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2012 November 1
by Stanley Quan

I dislocated my pinky finger playing football this past Saturday.

It was kind of a freak incident. The ball wasn’t coming in particularly fast or anything, it just hit a weird spot and bent my finger.

It was a cold day and I didn’t really feel it, but definitely noticed something was off when I looked down at my hand right after.

So off to the ED I went and after some x-rays, the physician realigned and splinted it.

If any of you have ever taken your pinky fingers for granted, don’t anymore. I can’t believe how many things have become harder to do  with an immobilized pinky finger.

Typing is tough, driving is different, and believe it or not, tying your shoes is difficult.

I got fitted with a new smaller splint today and will have to wear it for a good two months while doing some finger exercise physical therapy. Protect your body!

4 Responses
  1. Karen permalink
    November 1, 2012

    !! Hope you heal quickly and painlessly!

    • Stanley Quan permalink*
      November 1, 2012

      Thanks Karen!

  2. November 1, 2012

    Two months without my pinky would kill me. Good luck!

    • Stanley Quan permalink*
      November 2, 2012

      Thanks Shaun!

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